Sunday, January 15, 2012


I'll start by lamenting the fact that I do not have a tandoor oven. Thus, my naans were lacking that special something. In the summer, I am going to try grilling them.

1 package active dry yeast (I used quick rise which cut down on blooming and resting times)
1.5 teaspoons sugar
3/4 cup warm water
2 cups (plus more if needed) bread flour
1 teaspoon salt
1/4 cup ghee
3 tablespoons plain yogurt
stick of butter for brushing (you will NOT use the whole stick. It is just easier to grab onto)

1. In the stand mixer bowl, dissolve the sugar in warm water and bloom yeast. If you are using quick rise, this should only take a few minutes.

2. Add salt, flour, yogurt, and ghee to the bowl and mix until combined. Add flour by the spoonful until the dough completely pulls away from the bowl while the dough hook is working on it. Kneed on "2" for 10 minutes.

3. Form the dough into a ball (may need to dust your hands with flour) and coat it with oil. Return to the bowl, cover, and set in a warm place for 30 minutes to an hour.

4. Once the dough has doubled in size, preheat oven to 400 degrees. Divid dough into 12 pieces and roll out into circles. Place the circles on a cookie sheet or pizza stone.

5. Bake for about 8 minutes. If the tops are not done, turn the naan over and bake for one minute more.

6. Remove from the oven and rub each naan with the stick of butter.

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